Friday, October 10, 2014

Homework - Drawing Prompts Comic

This homework assignment is taken from Jessica Abel and Matt Madden's Mastering Comics.  The drawing prompts comic is an easy and practical way to stretch your abilities, forcing yourself to make drawings that challenge your typical compositions preferred subject matter.

Begin with a page divided into 6 panels, then make a mark or two in each panel, challenging yourself to make a variety of shapes and marks.

Then Abel and Madden challenge you to develop the basic shapes into a series of thumbnails that tell a story.  My first thought was of someone falling, and that implied some sort of high precipice.  What might have caused the fall?  How might it end?  I settled on the person passing through the ground into some sort of different dimension, but I'm not to impressed with this attempt to depict it.

I left this page here, perhaps I'll revisit it for further exercises.

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