Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Required Reading - Ryan Ottley on Breaking Into Comics

Space Grub by Ryan Ottley - December 8, 2013

Today I was pleased to discover this great little post on the process of breaking into comics by the phenomenal Ryan Ottley - you may know him from "Invincible" with Robert Kirkman.  Ottley has a great, whimsical style that makes Invincible my favorite superhero comic in years.  It strikes all the right notes without taking itself too seriously, or (for the most part) becoming too melodramatic.  I admit I haven't kept up with recent issues, but the first hundred or so were fantastic.

Anyway, here's a section of the post that really resonated with me:

"If you want to get into comics, I wouldn’t recommend college. I know, parents hate hearing that. (And probably colleges too) But accruing that kind of debt for schooling that you could learn on your own might not be the best start for your comics career. And really, if you don’t already have a talent in drawing, schooling won’t help you much. Ask anyone that went to an art school, you will see plenty of students that lack talent and took school to make them better. And guess what, it didn’t work. But then there are those that were already talented that took schooling and they used that time and the assignments to get even better. Well, you can do this on your own. There isn’t tons of secrets to good drawing. It’s talent plus skill. And skill can be learned by doing."

And here's where you can read the whole thing:

Further links:

Check out Ottley's Blog for great works in progress, sketches, and thoughts. 

Check out "The Bog" - Monster illustrations from Ryan Ottley and James Harren

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Building a Webcomic with Wordpress Part 3 - Inserting your comic

Let's inspect our website:

Open up the developer tools.  In Firefox you can use a plugin called firebug, in Chrome you can use the built-in developer tools by pressing Ctrl + Shift + i.  This will pop up an invaluable little window at the bottom of your browser, that shows the code for the page you're viewing.  The little black arrows next to elements indicate nested bits of the page that you will have to navigate into to find where to place your comic.

Here, we're going to place our comic above the main section of the website, and below the navigation bar.  That means we'll have to find the space between the helpfully labeled "masthead" and the "main" sections in the code.  I first checked in the index.php file in the twentythirteen folder, since that's the main file that controls the page, but couldn't find the beginning of the "main" segment - it just begins with the "primary" div.

That means the place we need is in the header.php file.  Go into the twentythirteen folder and find the file called header.php.  Right click and copy the file, then go into your twentythirteen-child folder and paste it there.  Again, we're only going to make changes to the files in the child folder, so as to preserve the template theme.  Open up the header.php file in your child folder and you'll see at the bottom, a space between the masthead div and the main div.  This is where you're going to paste your comic code.

I gave the comic area its own div element so that I can make changes to it in the style.css folder.

Next, open up the style.css file in the twentythirteen-child folder, and add the following:

#comicarea {
margin: 0 0 0 0;

This isn't really necessary, but it gives you an idea.  Now if you wanted to make adjustments to the placement of the comic, you could come in and change the margins on that div in the style.css file.

Now you just need a comic, something that will allow you to really see where we're going with this tutorial.  As mentioned in the previous post, we need to think about the size and layout of our comic.  According to the w3schools, the most common screen resolutions are now 1024 x 768 px. You don't have to worry too much about these numbers at the moment - Comic Easel will resize your comic for different resolutions, but you do want to think about them as a proportion.

Open up whatever image editing software you use and create a new file.  I rather arbitrarily created one that was 900px wide by 706px tall.  I filled it with a color, and then added text to the middle, of varying sizes, like so:

I know it's really garish - this will hopefully force me to replace it quickly!

Now go into your dashboard on your new wordpress site.  If you've enabled the Comic Easel plugin, you should see a catagory for comics.  Click through there to add a new comic.  In the upper right hand corner of the screen, it allows you to add a featured image - that's going to be your comic.  Add the above file, then give it an arbitrary title and some arbitrary text.  You can even play around with some of the other options if you'd like.

Finish adding your comic, then scroll down to publish it.

If all has gone as planned, your webpage will now look like this:

You'll see that the image could be a lot wider, in my resolution, but what about someone with a smaller resolution?  The easiest way to check is to go into your computer's display properties, and drop it down.

Here we are at 1024 x 768.  You can see that there's still room for the image to be a little wider, and a little shorter, in order to all fit on one page.  Also, you'll notice that in my image, the smallest text size that's still readable is the 12 point - This will be hugely important when we're scripting and composing, because we won't want to make the dialog text any smaller than that.

See you next time!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Building a Webcomic with Wordpress Part 2 - Child Themes

With our new private web server, we can practice developing a functioning website.  In the planning stage, we want to think about what we want our website to look like, what we want our comic to look like.  One will dictate the layout of the other.

-- Begin Digression -- If you are used to working in that vertical format that is traditional for American comic books, you'll want to design your website around that.  As a cautionary note, however, when you look at most webcomics, they prefer a horizontal layout.  There is a strong consensus that whenever your layout forces scrolling down or clicking to read the comic, you immediately lose a percentage of your possible readership.

So maybe a horizontal layout would be more effective?  But if you aren't writing a gag comic strip (like me), it might be more difficult to compose a readable page - you might have readers questioning whether to go left or right, like so:

You could overcome this by avoiding panel layouts like this one, or you could split the difference and go with a square layout, like Kazu Kibuishi does in the webcomic Copper.  --End Digression --

Adding Plugins and Editing Stylesheets

So when you logged into your dashboard at the end of the last tutorial, you probably looked at your site, and it (as of this writing) probably looked like this - I added a test post to give myself a better idea of what multiple posts would look like.

In order to put our webcomic on here, we're going to need a plugin called Comic Easel

In my opinion, this is the best way to display a comic on your wordpress site.  There is a theme called Comic Press, made by the same developer, and it would be much easier for a first time user, but also more limited in its display options, and if you want to have a website that is uniquely yours, I recommend the plugin version. Under the dashboard, go to plugins, add new, and search for Comic Easel, then install and activate.

Next, to have a comic display in your theme, you will probably need to ad some code to the website - a few themes have native Comic Easel support, but the one I'm using in this demonstration, twentythirteen, does not.

--Begin Digression -- Having first tried by creating my own wordpress theme, I can say from experience that unless you already are a Wordpress wizard (and in that case why are you reading this?), it is far easier to modify an existing theme, especially one such as the twentyfourteen theme that has a lot of options and full support from experienced web developers. -- End Digression --

We are going to modify our theme using a concept called a "Child Theme"  Rather than modifying the original files on the theme, we will use this ability of Wordpress to only make small modifications in their own folder.  That way, if the developers release an update for the theme we are using, we will be able to incorporate it into our site as the parent theme, without having to re-code our entire site.  This makes it much more portable, and much safer.  If you want a better explanation, head over to

Following their instructions, we will add a folder to the wordpress themes folder, calling it twentythirteen-child

Next, use a text editor such as Sublime Text to create a file that will be called style.css.  Paste into it the following lines (straight from the Wordpress Codex).

 Theme Name:   Twenty Thirteen Child
 Theme URI:
 Description:  Twenty Thirteen Child Theme
 Author:       John Doe
 Author URI:
 Template:     twentythirteen
 Version:      1.3
 Tags:         any, descriptive, tag, you, want, about, the, way, this, theme, looks
 Text Domain:  twenty-thirteen-child

/* =Theme customization starts here
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
Any changes you want to make are going to go underneath these lines of code, so you only need to change it as much as you want.  Then, go into your browser window, go to the dashboard, and check the themes folder.  It should now have a theme called twentythirteen-child.  Activate it, then go look at your site.  But wait!  It doesn't look right:

We need to import the parent stylesheet to give it the default look. You will see most websites recommend that you import it using @import in the top of the style.css file, like so:

 Text Domain:  twenty-thirteen-child

@import url("../twentythirteen/style.css");

/* =Theme customization starts here
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
This will work, but it is not recommended by the folks over at the Wordpress Codex.

 "@import should not be used to import the parent stylesheet into the child theme. The correct method is to use wp_enqueue_style() to enqueue the parent stylesheet, using this code in your child theme's "functions.php":

Instead, you want to create another file in your child theme's directory, one called "functions.php."

For further information on child themes and functions.php, I direct you to

To simplify, however, you can just create a new file (I just create a new file in Sublime Text), type in the following:

I've left the bulk of the code below so you can copy and paste, but the php tag at the top won't show up in Blogspot's software, so add that php tag to the beginning of the document, paste in the code below, and make sure it looks like the image.

//Here's the custom functions for twentyfourteen-child

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_child_theme_styles', PHP_INT_MAX);
function enqueue_child_theme_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri().'/style.css' );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'child-style', get_stylesheet_uri(), array('parent-style')  );

Then I save the file as functions.php into the child theme's directory, like this:

Now go back to your browser window, refresh your website, and it should look just like the parent theme, the difference being that now we can easily make changes to it.

In the next post in the series, I'll go over adding the webcomic via Comic Easel.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Homework - Drawing Prompts Comic

This homework assignment is taken from Jessica Abel and Matt Madden's Mastering Comics.  The drawing prompts comic is an easy and practical way to stretch your abilities, forcing yourself to make drawings that challenge your typical compositions preferred subject matter.

Begin with a page divided into 6 panels, then make a mark or two in each panel, challenging yourself to make a variety of shapes and marks.

Then Abel and Madden challenge you to develop the basic shapes into a series of thumbnails that tell a story.  My first thought was of someone falling, and that implied some sort of high precipice.  What might have caused the fall?  How might it end?  I settled on the person passing through the ground into some sort of different dimension, but I'm not to impressed with this attempt to depict it.

I left this page here, perhaps I'll revisit it for further exercises.

The Surface Pro 3 and Manga Studio Part 2

Tweaking Manga Studio

As a new tablet user, I want to take advantage of the tablet features that Manga Studio Provides.

The buttons are very difficult to hit precisely, slowing down your workflow significantly.

But under File > Preferences > Interface, you can enable the tablet mode:

Making the interface much larger. . .

And then you can easily hit Tab on your keyboard and switch it into the most barebones mode, leaving you plenty of room to draw:

Next I want to explore the framing and guide options.  This is a little more irritating, much like Photoshop's guide system.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Exploring the Surface Pro 3 and Manga Studio 5 EX Part 1

I've been planning a month-long road trip across the southern US, and I wanted to try and convert something that looks like this:

Into something a little more portable.

Though tablets have been around for a while, we've been waiting on one that would finally be as portable and effective as a sketchbook, and a bunch of artists online have been raving about Microsoft's Surface Pro 3.  The road trip seemed like a great opportunity to explore what might be possible with this new hardware.

With the addition of my new Surface Pro 3, I wanted to change drawing programs.  I've gotten comfortable with Photoshop, but because it isn't designed to be specifically a drawing program, it can be very finicky.  Everyone online has been talking about the utility of Manga Studio, finding that it vastly outperforms Photoshop, especially when it comes to tablets.  You can read other accounts of its utility on Ray Frenden's blog (which by the way is a phenomenal resource on all kinds of drawing tablets, as well as the source of the best brushes available for both Manga Studio and Photoshop) and on Jonathan Case's blog.

I'm going to start at the beginning, and explore some of the ways you can get your own art studio going from scratch.

Here's Manga Studio 5EX

You'll notice that when I use the pen, the pressure sensitivity isn't responding:

It turns out you need to install the newest drivers from n-trig, the company that produces the digitizer for Microsoft in the Surface 3.  Their newest drivers can be found at

Now that I have the drivers installed, the pen works much better!

And when I took it to the local coffee shop, I was excited to find that it was both portable and responsive.

In the next part, I'll discuss how to get the optimal set-up for the Surface.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Building a Webcomic with Wordpress Part 1 - A Sandbox Server and Installing Wordpress

My goal is to create a series of posts that works through the various steps in creating a webcomic using wordpress as a base.  You're going to need to start at the beginning with this one, and this implies a certain familiarity with html and css, but I'll try to explain what I can, and link to tutorials and the like when I can't.

As a note, I'm using Windows, so Mac users may need to acquire different software for some of the stages.

The information in this post can also be found at, but could be a little bit confusing.  Hopefully this will clarify some issues, but I encourage you to read their site as well.

Step 1 - a virtual server

Before you want to spend a bunch of money on hosting, you'll want to create your own testing location where you can try out different versions, making sure you iron out all the kinks in the beginning.  This means you're going to want a virtual server running on your personal computer, which means you want WAMP.

ALERT:  Before you install WAMP you will have to install the libraries that allow it to run.  If you do not have these libraries, you'll see this popup when installing:
The MSVCR110.dll is a component of Microsoft's Visual C++ Redistributables.  And unfortunately, most online sources agree that you'll need to install them all just to make sure that everything works as intended.  

Here are the packages you need if you have a 32 bit processor (and it's best to get them if you have a 64 bit processor as well.)

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable  Package (x86)

Here are the packages you need if you have a 64 bit processor

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)

Last, you want the redistributable for 2012, which can be found here (and includes both x86 and x64 versions):

Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4

Okay.  So you got these installed, and now finally you install WAMP.  It will ask you which browser you use, defaulting to explorer.exe.  You can leave this or let it choose Firefox or Chrome (all of which you should have if you want to make sure your website is compatible with most browsers).

It will also ask you to specify the localhost and email, which you can leave as the default options.

Step 2 - Installing Wordpress

Next, you want to install wordpress.  Go to and download the newest version, a zip file containing a single folder called "wordpress".  Unzip this file into the site folder that WAMP sets up.  by default, it will look like this:

Now make sure your WAMP server is online.  If any components are offline, you'll run into issues.  To do this, get WAMP running in your services bar, down in the bottom right corner of your screen.  Either it will appear in the bar itself, or in the little popup arrow, as it does in mine:

Click on the WAMP icon to show the above list of options, and click the options to "Start All Services," and the option to "Put Online"

Next, click the "phpMyAdmin" option, to open up a browser window with available databases.  As your website is going to require a database, you'll want to set one up before getting to work.  When you open the browser window, you'll see this image:

In the upper left hand corner, click the "New" button, to add a new database.  I named mine wordpress_db and left everything else unmodified.

Now go to your browser and type in http://localhost/wordpress (that's the name of whatever that folder is named in C:/wamp/www - by default it's wordpress, but you could change it to something else if you'd like.)

The following window should pop up.

Select your language then click through the next screen:

To reach this screen:

Type in the name of your database (in my case wordpress_db) and the name of your user, (which in my case I left as root - a bad habit, and not something you want to leave in your live version).  Submitting this leads to this screen:

Here you can input some basic information, such as the name of your site, and your login that will allow you to administer it, make posts, check stats, etc.

Fill this out and you're done!

You'll be greeted by the login screen:

And you'll be ready to start working on your website:

That's it for this post, in the next post we'll discuss installing plugins and using child themes in Wordpress.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Her Golden Whip EP Cover

Photo by Mateus Alves

Her Golden Whip is a Ska/Klezmer band out of Berlin that asked me to create a cover for their new EP “The Way They’re Dancing.” They emailed me a couple of photos, and admitted they didn’t have a very concrete idea of what it ought to look like, so they needed help to nail down a concept. We made an appointment to chat via Skype and discussed a number of different options for covers. I’ve been really psyched on the Urban Sketching style of watercolors, and it seemed like a style that could convey the kind of energy they were looking for, so we settled on a watercolor sketch based on a photo from one of their performances in Paris.

I brought my sketchpad to a couple of house shows in my neighborhood, trying to gather some poses and lighting options that would feel suitably dynamic.

Next I roughed in a very simple color scheme and design into a small watercolor pad that I sent to my contact in the band for assessment. Since they do a lot of busking and on-the-street performances, interactivity and personality are critical parts of their image, and something I wanted to be sure to capture, so I developed several head-shots for each of the members.

When they got back to me, they admitted that as long as I could get that level of detail, they wanted to show all the band members on the front cover, a potentially tricky composition. Working in photoshop, I selected images that I thought would harmonize, and composed them into a couple of simple designs for reference

I also decided that for the final image, I wanted to move away from the purple and yellow color scheme to a subtler gamut of dark blues and cool neutrals, balanced against illuminated oranges.
 The far left of the image (the back of the digipak case) needed to fade away, keeping so any lettering would be as clear as possible.

The first attempt was still too purple, and clumsy in execution, stiff and lacking energy. (Shown here compared with the 2nd version on top)

The final image in progress

The final cd case, with lettering mockup.